
Confessions of a Dietitian

Dietitians are nutrition experts, but we are not perfect. I work in an office full of them and we like our chocolate, cookies, and other sweet treat and empty calorie foods just like everyone else. The trick is to control the amount you are eating and have moderation in all things. 
As the summer heat rears it's ugly head near 100 degrees on a daily basis, many of us like to cool off with a nice cold beverage. I personally love cherry icee's. They are sweet, taste like cherry, remind  me of my college days, and most importantly...COLD! So while we are enjoying our refreshing beverage, here's a tip to save you extra calories in your day and some money in your wallet. 
Be A Kid!
Yep, that's right, choose the kids size beverage (unless it's good old H20). It will help limit the amount of extra calories and sugar being consumed, but still provide the satisfaction of a sweet, cold beverage to cool off in the persistent Arizona heat. They may even be less expensive, which is always a good thing.

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